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GUAPIMIRIM WAITS FOR YOU with arms wide open!  

        Miranda Imóveis intends to show a brief presentation of our district: Emancipated in November 25th, 1990 of the district of Magé, Guapimirim is in the area of Serra Verde Imperial; with 361 Km², and 70% of these are in area of environmental protection (APA). 

       The growth of mangroves of Guapimirim, Itaboraí, São Gonçalo and Magé, are part of APA-Guapimirim, an area of permanent environmental preservation, of Federal protection, set in 1984; being the most preserved area of the whole state of Rio de Janeiro. 

       Inside of APA-Guapimirim, between Guapimirim and Itaboraí, is the Estação Ecológica da Guanabara (ESEG), built in January 1st, 2006 with 7000 hectares ( 17300 acres) of continuous forest of swamp and that shelters threatened species of extinction, such as: The alligator of the yellow crop and the “marreca caneleira”/ cinnamon teal (vi a foto e parece um pato marrom…), among others. 

       The importance of this section is the presence of primary growth of mangroves, that is: Growth of mangroves that almost did not suffer any alteration in the last 500 years; being the nursery of the great majority of fish consumed in Rio de Janeiro.








Changing the subject, we remind you that from the Soberbo Observatory, in Km 90 of Br 116 (Rio-Teresópolis) you, web surfer, can contemplate the Municipal district of Guapimirim, the Dedo de Deus Pick and the Guanabara Bay. 

       Now we will talk a little about the Primate Center of Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ-Guapimirim). This center occupies an area of 5000 hectares (12300 acres) and it belongs to FEEMA, with the aid of FAPERJ. 

       The Center intends to get to know the several primates biology. What they eat, their best reproduction condition, their habitat, their diseases are important points to reach to increase their reproduction and improve their living condition and also the maintenance of these species for the future. 

       possesses the largest representation of primates of the world, with about 100 to 110 species and there are 25 species in the record of our Primate Center.

       The Center has organized spaces for library with wide collection of specialized publications in Primatology, support of skin and bones, besides Macaco Tiãos (a “famous” primate of Rio de Janeiro zoo) mortal remains. 















       Now we will talk a little about the National Park of the Mountain of the Organs: Servant in 1939, possesses 11.000 hectares and it has, among some attractions, Old Pontes Well; the Green Well; and the Center of Visitors von Martius, installed in the headquarters of the old farm Barrier of the Superb, where the naturalist German Frederik vonMartius lived (1817). Other place to be visited is the chapel of Our Lady of Conceição of the Superb, with its baroque style (1713), tumbled by INEPAC (state Institute of the Cultural Patrimony of Rio de Janeiro). 







Miranda Imóveis would like to thank the City Hall of Guapimirim for the DVD given through the Secretary of Health, Mr. Eliel Ramos Silva; without which this work would have not been accomplished. We also thank all the people that collaborated with the making of this DVD. 

This is the Família Miranda Imóveis "making your dreams come true!” Be part of this Family!  

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       Unlike we may think, the city of Guapimirim is practically at sea level, about an hour of the center of Rio, in a modern highway, safe and in very good condition. 

       Recent statistics show a great migration from the big centers to smaller cities because of the increase of the violence and also because people are searching better life quality.  

Guapimirim possesses the 5th better climate of the world, it is safe and with no violence. Come to know us as soon as possible.

      I cannot forget to point out the behavior of our orderly people, which with kindness and education, make us believe that they are our biggest wealth. 

See below some pictures taken in Guapimirim. 

Portal principal de Guapimirim

Início da Av. Dedo de Deus, logo após o portal ( próximo a nossa sede, que fica a mais ou menos 600 metros deste).

Vista posterior do portal.

Estrada Rio – Teresópolis (foto tirada próximo ao portal)

Próximo ao Rogério’s bar, no km 100, você terá a oportunidade de conhecer esta piscina natural com sua pedra, na foto a esquerda, próximo a cachoeira, conhecida como “Pedra do escorrega”.

Foto tirada na direção leste – oeste de dentro do condomínio Alpha II. Uma das varias imagens de montanhas que a todo momento você irá se deparar.

Na altura do km 100, no inicio da subida, você poderá apreciar esta  estátua do pescador.

Rio Soberbo, próximo ao Centro, também é apreciado a noite com sua bela iluminação.







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Miranda Imóveis

A sua imobiliária em Guapimirim

CRECI J-7041 / RJ

Av. Dedo de Deus n.º 1365
Centro - Guapimirim - RJ
Tel. (0xx21) 2632-5187 / 99982-3480 / 96456-1900 / 9 6477-4751

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